Liquid | Shopify | Suitescript | HTML | CSS | Node.JS | GIT/GITHUB | Trello | Ruby | GraphQL | SemRush| Figma

This the largest undertaking of my career...
LollicupStore was developed and launched to be the number one wholesale provider for container and restaurant supplies.
While the project was large in scope the issues that came with it created some of the most difficult challenges I've come across.
I eventually overcame those challenges to launch an e-commerce store that makes over $6.1 million in monthly sales.


Built with Shopify Plus, LollicupStore is unique in that it is completely custom.
There were no themes used in the development of this store front.
To create the frontend, I worked in tandem with a UI/UX designer from China to create a framework with all of our concepts and ideas.
After approval, the files were then converted to HTML, CSS and liquid code and had their sidebars built with JSON to allow Marketing teams to change photos, collections and products where needed without the need to code.

I was also tasked with backend development operation in creating integrations with the business.
Using SuiteScript I created a script that would take the customers location from Shopify to then dictate which warehouse had which products to ship.
I also created a subdomain store for the Hawaiian Islands that has it's own inventory for sale.
The site is set to come up anytime someone from Hawaii accesses our store.

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Lollicup Homepage Shopify Recipies Lollicup Coupons.

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