PHP | WordPress | Invetory Manager | Java

Developed updated website for Athens Tree Farm owner Kip Estep. The site was created to inform customers of the company and current tree stock. frontend was created using Wordpress. I created custom sections and pages using PHP. editors like Elementor, WP bakery and Guthenburg. I incorporated plugins like Photo Gallery and Text hover to add some level of interactivity. I also added a working google maps feature to the bottom of the contact us page. The website is integrated with Athens Tree Farms inventory system to show customers up to date data on what trees and species of tree are available.


Athens Tree Farm was designed as a static page that would attract potential contractors and show them up to date species' availability. Based off the Astra Theme, I used the Elementor plug-in to build additional sections. Using PHP, I was able to tweak the image Galley and create custom sections. Using the Bootstrap plug-in and PHP I made the site responsive for both Desktop and Mobile. Once the frontend had been completed, I installed the WP inventory manager to the WordPress admin and using Java I created a function that would read which species of tree were shown in the local inventory manager and would convert them into JSON. The data was then sent to the WP inventory manager to which it would then display the species of trees available in an array of "p" tags.
Upon completion, I then handed off the website to the company which is now managed by a third party.

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